Episode 04: What do you bring to a potluck? Home cooking tips for feeding a crowd


This week we break down the elements for hosting a successful potluck meal, whether it’s for Thanksgiving or any time of year. We’ll share our favorite dishes, as well as tips for both hosting or attending potlucks.

As always, Kari and Sonya will share their unique culinary experiences like Kari’s favorite Midwestern “salads” that her family makes at Thanksgiving, both of which include Cool Whip. And Sonya shares a couple of different approaches to potato salad, including a classic Soviet potato salad that includes canned peas… and Kari’s not so sure about it.

For us, Thanksgiving and potlucks are a time to throw out the playbook and do what feels right to you. All traditions and food memories are welcome, even when they include Cool Whip and canned peas.


Links to recipes from this week’s show:


Episode 05: Thanksgiving with Seth Rogen & Lauren Miller Rogen – Cooking and hosting family and friends at home!


Episode 03: Can a frittata change your life? Simple home cooking tips for the best brunch!